WBC - World Boxing Council
WBC stands for World Boxing Council
Here you will find, what does WBC stand for in Firm under Sports category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate World Boxing Council? World Boxing Council can be abbreviated as WBC What does WBC stand for? WBC stands for World Boxing Council. What does World Boxing Council mean?World Boxing Council is an expansion of WBC
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Alternative definitions of WBC
- We Be Crooks
- White Blood Cell
- White Blood Cell
- White Blood Cells
- World Baseball Classic
- White Blood Cell count
- White Blood Cell count
- Westboro Baptist Church
View 154 other definitions of WBC on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- WTEC WT Enterprise Center
- WCCRMV The Westin Cape Coral Resort at Marina Village
- WBPL Western Bulk Pte Ltd
- WBC The Works Bakery Cafe
- WFCI West Face Capital Inc.
- WAU We Are Uncoloured
- WWPM Walter Williams Property Management
- WSS Workplace Staffing Services
- WL Wheels to Lease
- WMU Wake Me Up
- WMA Wood Marsh Architecture
- WFG The William Fall Group
- WSSAL WSS Associates Ltd
- WMS Western Mennonite School
- WSAC Washington State Association of Counties
- WSC Weirton Steel Corporation
- WWS Wine With Spirit
- WELEP West of England Local Enterprise Partnership
- WC The Whitehouse Consultancy
- WPT White Pine Touring